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  • Writer's pictureGordon Elliot

Annual Town Meeting

Burford's councillors met on 22 May for their annual meeting at which they answered questions on different topics. Sadly the turn-out from residents was low.

Points which were discussed included the following:

  1. The disappointning lack of response from Thames Water over several recent days when parts of Burford were without water, including two days when the schools were forced to close. BTC have urged TW to act more quickly if there is a recurrence. It was suggested that they could send a water bowser to the schools to enable them to stay open.

2. Work has started on repairing the bridge (at last). The alleged bats do not seem to be as much of a problem as had been feared. At some stage the pedestrian path will be remarked to make it safer and a bell-shaped bollard will be put in place at either end to keep vehicles off the footpath section.

3. Discussions are still continuing about the possible expansion to the car park. The big problem seems to be how to minimise flooding. One resident said that he could not see why this in itself should cause a delay: the flooding risk is what it is. In very wet weather the car park will have to close if flooded. The rest of the year it can be used normally.

4. It is hoped that a solution my be in sight for the HGV problem. OCC Councillor Nicholas Field-Johnson said there could be a ban on HGVs of more than 18 tonnes so that small lorried could still come though the town. There would also be no restriction for lorries going to and from local business premises and farms, something which was a bone of contention during the previous experimental ban. The main objective would be to keep out large lorries engaged on national journeys, e.g. Birmingham to Southampton.

Brig Clendon Daukes proposed a vote of thanks to the councillors for their hard work through the year.

Photo: Editors


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