The Bridge Magazine
Contact the Editors
Send Articles, Photos, Letters and Feedback
We welcome articles and information, particularly but not exclusively by members of the community, so please send us your ideas. For instance:-
Information and reviews on local events, clubs and societies
Photos of the area you’ve taken recently
Articles on any topic with a local connection which you think would interest other people
And of course…
Images of the Burford and district bridges for the front page!
The magazine is produced monthly (except January). The Bridge is not partisan, and is not biased in any way connected with politics, religion, race or gender. The editors have the final say as to what will go in the magazine and reserve the right to edit where necessary.
Contact the Editors using the form below. The editor will respond via email and ask you to submit it electronically using any common format such as Microsoft Word or Mac Pages and print quality JPEG format for images. Alternatively, printed articles and other material can be left at Burford News in the High Street for us to collect. The closing date for entries is 10th of the preceding month.
Editorial articles may also be submitted by businesses, at the discretion of the editors, if they highlight an area of general or topical interest, but donations may be appropriate if this promotes a particular company or product.
If you are published in the Bridge Magazine, you accept the Bridge Magazine's terms as defined in our publishing policy and other terms and conditions.