At long last we have persuaded Oxfordshire County Council to make an order banning HGVs over 7.5 tonnes from our High Street.
Elsewhere in this issue you will find a fuller report on what has been achieved and on what conditions but, in brief, the order will come into force when all the necessary 20+ signs have been erected. This will happen when we have raised the money to pay for them and for the new cameras which will be required and for setting up the enforcement process.
We need to raise £150,000. This is your chance, as we launch our appeal, to demonstrate your feeling for the town and the support you are prepared to give. Please donate as generously as possible :-
by sending a cheque in favour of ‘Burford Town Council - HGV’ to Maggie Andrews, Burford Town Council, The Tolsey, 126 High Street, Burford OX18 4QU
by making a bank transfer to TSB Bank, Sort Code: 30-64-14, Account Number: 00000972, Account Name: Burford Town Council – HGV
if you don’t want to put money up front, by sending a pledge to Maggie Andrews (as above) along the lines “ I promise to pay the sum of £XXXX on request as a donation to the Burford Hgv Appeal”
Thank you in advance for anything you can do to help preserve the historic buildings in our High Street and the quality of the air we breathe.
John White - Mayor