A message from Burford Town Council
In the March issue we warned that we would be asking for your vociferous support. The time has come.
The Planning Inspectorate has announced that it will deal with Greystoke’s appeal at a public enquiry, date to be fixed. It has called for written representations which must be in by 5 May to have any effect so time is short. We know that this is the fourth time of asking but, hopefully, the last. There is no doubt that the volume of objections has a significant impact so we ask, will you support us this one last time and make your voice heard? You can do so by email or by letter:-
By email to :- elizabeth.humphrey@planninginspectorate.gov.uk
By letter to:- The Planning Inspectorate
3J Kite Wing
Temple Quay House
2 The Square
Bristol BS1 6PN
In either case, you must mention the case reference –
APP/D3125/W/22/3293656 - and it would be helpful to head it “Land East of Barns Lane, Burford”.
You will have your own views but might wish to consider damage to the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, damage to the Burford Conservation Area, the lack of sufficient infrastructure - schools, sewage (Thames Water puts it in the Windrush), traffic and parking - and any need we might have already being satisfied by the Cotswold Gate development in the Shilton Road. But whatever you want to say, shout it out loud!
Full details of the planning application including the formal notice of appeal can be found at https://publicaccess.westoxon.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=QVLVKDRKGRW00