On 6th February 2023 the Uplands Area Planning Sub-Committee (“UAPSC”) of West Oxfordshire District Council voted unanimously to refuse the application of Greystoke Land Ltd to plonk 70 houses on Cole’s Field. They did so of their own volition but they had the professional support of WODC’s Planning Department which had strongly recommended refusal.
I know that UAPSC were enormously impressed by the reaction of the Town to Greystoke’s proposals, not only by the numerical avalanche (there were 231 objections at the last count including one misclassified supporter) but by the sheer articulation and reasoned logic of their submissions. Massive developments like this frequently attract the “hang all developers” mob whose knee-jerk reaction annoys the planners and is therefore ignored by them. Your submissions, in contrast, were eloquent and lucid, designed to persuade rather than batter and that’s exactly as it should be. It is a great victory and all yours.
There is always a “but”. Greystoke has the right to give notice of appeal within 6 months. If it does there, will be an appeal just like the last one and we will have to fight the good fight all over again. And BTC will once again ask for your support, so please do not throw away your copy of your objection, it will be a great help in drafting the next one!
John White
Burford Town Council