The editors have received a lot of letters in response to the article by Harry Watts in the December edition of The Bridge. All of them expressed opposition to his proposals in various ways. Some of these letters will appear in the February edition which is in the process of being printed and should be distributed by the weekend of 27/28 January. Here are two which we could not fit in but which deserve to be read.
I am writing regarding the article in the latest edition of the bridge regarding planning for the future by Harry Watts. I am a resident on the Shelton Road development and have been for the last year and a quarter. I do not agree with the paragraph that starts “The Shilton Road development is an estranged development at distance from Burford that is so detached from Burford that it is struggling to find it’s identity and fails to meet the needs of younger families”. I speak on a regular basis to neighbours and people on the development and no one expresses the view stated in the article. In fact, the opposite is true we feel that it is a development which has come together very quickly and meets the needs of older and younger people and families. It is certainly not at distance from Burford. The 15 minute walk is ideal and in actual fact in our case it was one of the key reasons for purchasing a property on this development. It is near enough to be convenient but far enough away that if we want to avoid the hustle and bustle at any time we can. I would also add that the development once fully completed will be an ideal model for further developments in this area and others. It features private houses, affordable/social houses, over 55 year old retirement properties and a care home. My view is that more developments like this are good for Burford. I would suggest that the writer of this article should have spent some time on the development talking to a cross-section of people that live here. I would also like to suggest that in an upcoming edition of the bridge, I or one of the other residents on the development writes an article “Life in Burford‘s newest community“ This would tell what the development is, what the majority of residents feel and what the community is actually like today and how it is likely to further develop.On a positive note, I do agree with the author of the article that Burford needs further developments (like Shelton Road). This needs to be on a scale which is proportionate to the size of the town and that the infrastructures can support.
Alan Dixon
I read with horror the article written by Harry Watts with his view on Cole’s Field for extra car parking and coach park etc.Firstly this would absolutely ruin Burford. It would not only look hideous but is not necessary. Also the already struggling wildlife (that WODC are apparently trying now to help) would suffer considerably.Cole’s field needs to be kept as a field. Burford is a tourist hot spot for the beauty of it. Coaches have been limited at Bourton on the Water so why is a larger coach park needed in Burford. He mentions the pollution by the school, tourism is only at its highest in the summer when the children are on holiday!! He also mentions affordable housing for people to be able to walk to Burford for work!!! Not everyone who moves to this area wants to be a shop assistant !! Or even work in Burford and are there that many vacancies available, very doubtful.I work in Burford along with many other local people so we fill the jobs now already. I live in a local village, any more residents in this area would be catastrophic as there are not enough jobs to go around therefore would have to travel on the already very, very busy A40. We’ve lived here for 8 years and the traffic and over development has been extensively noticeable, for the worse . The development opposite Burford Garden Centre is far too huge, it’s like a town in itself. Just awful! Burford needs to be protected from further development otherwise tourism will suffer. Solar panels ugh, modernisation isn’t needed. It’s the age and aesthetics that draw people in. The buildings are unique and need protecting. I’m very passionate about conservation as far too many changes are made and can then never be rectified.
Denise Barry-Smith