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  • Writer's pictureThe Bridge Burford

Congestion on Outdated A-roads "threatens economic growth"

A report from the National Infrastructure Commission says that many major roads in this country are so congested that they risk damaging economic growth. The report says that the government needs to refocus investment in roadbuilding, pointing out that for many people and businesses roads provide the only form of transport available.

The report identifies some of the slowest A-roads where average speeds can be less than 30mph. And guess what, first up is "stretches of the A40 between Cheltenham and Oxford".

The chairman of the commission, Sir John Armitt, said "Removing bottlenecks is crucial for boosting trade between key towns, cities and freight hubs, but it can't be done at the expense of the environment. We need to strain every sinew to to enable drivers to switch to electric vehicles with confidence and make road-building less expensive".


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