From Peter Higgs, mayor of Burford
Three months ago I reported in The Bridge that we were looking at improving the crossing at the top of The Hill, to upgrade it to a proper Zebra crossing. After working with OCC, we hope we are now able to go ahead with the project this year depending on the final cost, as we have obtained some funding to help. It will be a stretch for council financially, but we feel in will be well worth it to improve the safety of that dangerous crossing, especially as it may well get a lot more use when we have our brand-new play park on the recreation ground. OCC have asked us to carry out a preliminary consultation on the project, so we would be grateful to hear your thoughts on this change. Please send them to and we will; collate them for OCC.
Below is an impression of the crossing from north and then south. The colours are too bright in the impression; the red would be pink.